
 [Preface]    [Contents]    [Bernards]   [Index]    [Depositions]    [Maps]   [Definitions]    [Town/Parish Descriptions, 1835]    [Resv'd]


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Chapter XVII


    Among the crowd of heroes which the British navy has produced, there are few (if any) more conspicuous for that daring and cool intrepidity which has rendered 'Jack' the best fighter, as well as the best sailor, in the world, than the subject of this memoir.  One of his biographers tells us that he was a most active, diligent, and brave man; but Charnock is more laudatory still.  "Few men," writes he, "who have not lived to attain the rank of commander-in-chief, or at least that of flag-officer, have ever acquired so much renown as this gentleman."
    Sir William Jumper was a Bandonian.  His parents*  lived in an old-fashioned, bay-windowed house, which-up to about three-quarters of a century since-occupied the piece of ground upon which at present stands the boot and shoe establishment at the south end of Bridge Street; and in this house Sir William was born.  His family, which may be classified under the term "respectable,"  and was well-connected,†  had sufficient interest with Admiral Lord Dartmouth to obtain for him the appointment of second lieutenant on board his lordship's own ship, the "Resolution," of seventy guns.  He soon left the "Resolution" for another ship-in fact during the next six years he held commissions in several, and in all of them he acquitted himself with credit and distinction.

                    *  His aunt was married to Sir Francis Page (a judge of the King's Bench).  Sir Francis, who lived to be eighty years of age, died in December, 1741.
†  On the 24th of February, 1651, arms were granted to William Jumper. 
Ar, two bars, Sa-between three mullets-gu. 
On a wing-Arg, two bars, Sa

    Early in 1694 he obtained command of the "Weymouth;" and in the following June fell in with a large privateer belonging to the French-with whom we were at that time at war-and captured her; and before the month ended he captured another.
    The "Weymouth" did not hesitate about what she'd do.  She boldly sailed up to the enemy, grappled with him, and Jumper and his men leaped on board.  There was a long fight, and a desperate one.  Discharging their fire-arms, they closed with one another, hand to hand.  It was now cutlass against cutlass, and pike against pike; but the obstinacy, the daring, and the expertness of the British sailor told in the end.  The Frenchmen hauled down his colours, but not until thirty of his men lying dead, and nearly an equal number writhing in their last agonies on the deck, convinced him that to carry on the contest any longer must only result in a useless expenditure of more blood.
    The next year our hero made prizes of two more privateers; and very shortly after of another, which he fell in with outward-bound from St. Malo, and which was much his superior in size, in metal, and in her complement of men.  But these advantages disappeared before the daring spirit of Jumper. Placing his ship alongside the Frenchman, he knocked his masts overboard, killed dozens of his crew, and after a stubborn resistance the stubborn Gaul hauled down his colours and struck.
    Victory followed quick upon victory, and success upon success-his daring and his deeds were the theme of every mess-table in the service to which he belonged; but "a domestic affliction awaited him. capable of overshadowing all."
    It appears that he had to put into Plymouth to victual and refit for another cruise; and so anxious was he to have this done under his own eye, that he never quitted his ship during the whole time she lay in port.
    His wife, Catherine (who was daughter and heiress of -----Browne, Esq., Ireland), lived on board with him up to the day named for sailing; then bidding him farewell, she stepped into the pinnace with his friend, Captain Smith, of the "Portland," and made for the shore; but by some mischance the boat upset, and both she and Smith were drowned.
    Jumper felt the blow most acutely, and for some time he was inconsolable.  But he knew that grieving could not recall the past.  He soon longed for his favourite element again, and for his favourite pursuits, and he determined to devote himself to his country more than ever.
    Returning to active service, fortune again smiled on him, and he chased and captured prizes, and boarded ships of war, with the same uninterrupted success as heretofore.
    On the 10th of January, 1701, he was appointed captain of the "Lennox," a ship of seventy guns, and a crew of four hundred and forty men; and was ordered to join the squadron under Sir George Rooke, which he accordingly did, and weighed anchor with the Confederate fleet from Spithead, on the 19th of June, 1702.
    The object of the expedition which Rooke commanded was to seize on Cadiz, and by this means to prevent the French from possessing themselves of the Spanish West India Isles; or even if they did possess themselves of them, to render their permanent occupation impossible.
    The expedition was a failure, and the design was abandoned.  Cadiz could not be approached whilst the Spaniards held Matagorda-fort.  And although the fort was attacked, and a battery of cannon played on it, the Spaniards would not stir an inch.
    Rooke was greatly blamed for his want of success in this affair, and also for his remissness in not burning the enemy's ships and destroying his towns.  Burnet charged him openly with this, and stated that before Rooke set sail from England he had in a manner determined no to do the enemy much hurt.  Sir George's friends denied this, and endeavoured to justify his conduct by alleging that he thought it down right madness to expose the lives of the Queen's subject when they might be spared to better advantage; and, moreover, that the Spaniards must think the English had a strange way of showing their affection for them when they'd begin by cutting their throats.  Nevertheless, the outcry raised against him was so fierce, that he was obliged to appear before the House of Lords, and reply to the charges brought against him.  Although the Cadiz expedition did not add to the fame of Rooke, whose flag floated from the mizen of the "Royal Sovereign." it was otherwise with the captain of the "Lennox"-his track was as brilliant as ever.  In this attack, writes Charnock, he took a more prominent part than any other naval commander-successfully executing the arduous services entrusted to him with the most spirited address.
    When the admiral had embarked his troops, and was preparing to return home, news was brought to him that the Spanish galleons-for the capture of which a squadron had been fitted out under Sir Cloudesley Shovell-had reached Vigo, escorted by a French squadron under the Count de Château Rénaud.  Rooke at once assembled a council of war, composed of the flag-officers of the combined English and Dutch fleet, and they resolved to crowd all sail for Vigo at once, and attack the enemy.
    When they arrived off the mouth of the harbour, they found that the entrance to it-which was not more than three-quarters of a mile wide-was well defended.  On the northern side was a battery of twenty guns, and on the southern side was a platform mounted with twice that number.  In addition, there was a stone fort with ten guns, and garrisoned with five hundred French troops.  But this was not all; stretching from shore to shore was a boom made of ship's yards and top-masts, lashed together with three-inch rope; and over this again was wound a stout coil of hawsers and cables.  And as if even this was not enough, there were five ships-carrying between sixty and seventy guns each-moored inside the boom, and with their broadsides fronting the entrance; so that, should an enemy's ship near the boom, she had to face five broadsides at the same time, as well a receive the fire of the fort and the batteries on either side.
    Fifteen English ships, ten Dutch men-of-war, together with all the frigates, fire-ships, and bomb-vessels, were told off for this desperate enterprise.  In order to capture the battery and fort at the southern side, and thus divert the fire of fifty guns from the attacking squadron, Ormond landed with two thousand five hundred men- a detachment of which, consisting of five hundred, under Lord Shannon, stormed the platform of forty guns, and carried it.
    The governor of the fort was furious.  Throwing wide his gates, Sozel determined to drive the English before him.  But though his gates lay open to allow his men to charge out, it seems not to have occurred to him that they afforded the enemy an opportunity to charge in.  This they did without hesitating; and pouring in, sword in hand, they forced the garrison-which consisted of French and Spanish troops-to lay down their arms.
    As soon as the British flag was seen floating from the platform, the ships advanced.  Vice-Admiral Hopson, in the "Torbay." spreading out all his canvas, dashed boldly against the boom, and broke it.  Scarcely had he time to congratulate himself upon his success, when he was grappled by a French fire-ship, and was within an ace of being destroyed; as it was his sails were on fire, his fore-yard burnt to charcoal, and his larboard-side severely scorched.  But this was not all; an incessant discharge of round shot and small arms rained on the unfortunate "Torbay."  Her  top-mast was splintered to pieces, several of her ports were knocked in, and one hundred and fifteen of her gallant crew were shot and drowned,
    When intelligence reached the fleet outside that the boom was in two, in they came.  Bakenham, in the "Association"-a ninety gun ship-lies broadside on to the battery of twenty guns on the northern side, and keeps pounding at it until 'tis silent.  Wyvill, in the "Barfleur"-aslo a ninety gun ship-drops anchor opposite the stone fort, until captured by Shannon's grenadiers.
    And now the struggle is between the French fleet, backed by whatever assistance the Spanish galleons could give them, and the united English and Dutch.  The latte had a double duty to  perform-to destroy the French fleet, and to save the Spanish galleons-and well they did it.
    Measured by the magnitude of the victory, the loss of the Confederates was inconsiderable.  The  enemy lost fifteen French men-of-war, two frigates, a fire-ship, and seventeen of the coveted galleons.  Of these, four French ships of war and six galleons were taken by the English, and five galleons and six French ships of war by the Dutch; and the rest, consisting of five men-of-war and six galleons, were either sunk of burned.
    Although the god ships were discharging cargo the previous twenty-five days, yet there remained a magnificent sum to reward the victors, as they got possession of goods valued at no less then five millions of our money, and two millions in hard cash.
    The "Lennox" was one of that gallant squadron which sailed into Vigo harbour on that memorable 12th of October, 1702, when signalled by the British flag on the enemies forty-gun battery to "come on!" and her captain was one of those who "took a prominent and active part in the enterprise."
    On the 19th of May, Jumper again left England with the fleet under Sir Cloudesley Shovell, and in fourteen days arrived at Portsmouth, bringing with him a French East-India ship, valued at one hundred thousand pounds.
    His repeated services were now deemed worthy of being prominently noticed by the State.  Accordingly, in little more than a month after his return (that is, on the 1st of July, 1703), he was knighted*  by Queen Anne.
    On the 14th of June, 1704, the ships of war under the command of Sir George Rooke, after chasing a large French squadron into Toulon, repassed the Straits of Gibraltar; and in two days after were joined by the squadron under Sir Cloudesley Shovell.
    Rooke had now a large fleet under his command.  To spend the entire summer doing nothing would raise a loud outcry against him at home, and, in all probability, bring him again before the Lords.  Therefore something must be attempted.
    A council of war sat, and several schemes were discussed.  It was proposed to attack Cadiz again; but Cadiz could not be taken without a large army, and they had only a small one.  But they must attack some place; and at last they resolved that Gibraltar should be the place.
    These reasons influenced them to this.  By making a sudden dash at it as it then was, there was some chance of taking it, whereas if it was properly provisioned and garrisoned they could never hope to do so.  If they could seize it, it would be of the greatest importance to them during the war; and the capture of such a renowned fortress would cover the conqueror with glory, and furnish materials for the brightest page in the history of the annals of Anne.

                *  One account says it was for his conduct at Gibraltar he was knighted.  Another, that it was for his bravery at Malaga; but we are convinced it was for his speedy return with the rich French prize, as well as for his gallantry at Vigo and elsewhere; and in this we are fully sustained by information kindly furnished to us by the naval authorities at Somerset House, which places beyond all doubt the date of the knighthood.  If it was conferred in 1703, how could it be for services which he did not perform until the year after at Gibraltar and Malaga?

    On the 21st of July the fleet sailed into Gibraltar Bay, and, before sunset, eighteen hundred English and Dutch marines landed under the Prince of Hesse upon the isthmus connecting Gibraltar with the mainland.
    When the debarkation was completed, Hesse called on the governor to surrender; but he replied that the would defend the place to the last.  There was nothing done that day; but on the next morning, as day broke, Rooke opened with a terrific cannonade; and so well was it kept up, that in less than five hours there were fifteen thousand round shot and shell poured in one continuous stream into the town.
    This terrible fire began to tell in due time; but especially upon the defences at the south mole, and from which several of the enemy were seen to run.
    If I could but seize and hold those defences, thought the admiral, the town must be mine.
    He immediately sent orders to Whittaker to man his boats and make the attempt; but Captain Hicks and Captain Jumper, who lay nearest the mole, forestalled him.
    Seeing the Spaniards fly, they wasted no time in sending for instructions or waiting for orders; they lowered their pinnaces into the water, rowed rapidly to the shore, and bounded into the coveted fortress, sword in hand.*  But scarcely had they gained the inside when the ground heaved beneath their feet, and in a second two lieutenants and a hundred of their own men were blown into the air; and although they could not tell but that in a moment of two they would share a similar fate, nevertheless, they doggedly held possession of the great platform until Whittaker's boats arrived; then massing together, they stormed the redoubt that lay between the mole and the town, and carried it.
    Again the governor was called upon to surrender.  He did so; and the greatest fortress in the world was ours.
    It was but reasonable, after the many sanguinary struggles which he had take a part in, that he should at length seek rest; or, it may be, that his wounds impaired his strength, and incapacitated him fro the vigorous actions of his younger days.  Be that as it may, he retired into private life; where he enjoyed the handsome pension generously bestowed on him by Queen Anne, and where he remained until 1714-when he was appointed resident commissioner of the navy at Portsmouth.  He did not hold office long, as he died in the March of the following year, 1715. 
    Some time after the death of his first wife he married again,  but it does not appear that he left behind him any offspring to inherit a name rendered illustrious for bravery, for daring, and for promptness of action; and although, in the attributes just mentioned, Britain produced, and again and again and again produced, his equal, she has never produced his superior.

                *  It is said that when Jumper got in he ordered a marine to take off his jacket, and hoist it on the top of a pole, to serve as a flag.  On seeing this substantial proof of possession, the Spaniards became greatly disconcerted, and Whittaker's men redoubled their exertions to cme to the aid of their heroic brethren in arms.
†  Battery No 6 in Gibraltar is still called Jumper's battery, in compliment to our gallant townsman.
                ‡  This lady survived him.  She subsequently married Nathaniel Ware, of the county of Cork, and died issueless.

    1706-  A bye-law was passed by our corporation, to prevent any one teaching a Popish apprentice, or any one of the Popish religion, any trade, mystery, or occupation; "and if any person or persons shall offend by employing such persons, he shall be deemed an ill-member if he do not discharge him before the 1st of May next.  And if any person, &c., transgress for the future, he shall be turned out and discharged, and that the sum of three pounds six shilling  and eight-pence be levied by distress and sale of goods, as a fine, upon each person so offending.  Daniel Conner, provost."

    1710-  This year the last presentment passed the Grand Jury for killing wolves in this county.  It is said that the wolf for whose destruction the money was voted was killed near Kilcrea Abbey.  Wolves were not unfrequently seen long after this in the woods on both sides of the Bandon river; between Bandon and Kinsale, and the remote parts of the county, particularly between Bantry and Berehaven, there were many of them.

    1713-  At the General Quarter Sessions held at Bandon, on the 12th of January, an address was voted to the Queen's most excellent Majesty, as follows:-"We, your Majesty's subjects of the county, most humbly beg leave to approach your royal person," &c.  It then went on to congratulate her on the safe and honourable peace which her Majesty had obtained for the relief and comfort of the people.  Also, "that we are thankful to God for the late blessings of the late happy revolution, and are firmly resolved to stand by the succession in the illustrious House of Hanover.  So we do not think the remembrance of the one, or the prospect of the other, any motive to abate our duty and allegiance; and we hop that neither Popery or seclusion can prevail with any other of your Majesty's crown and kingdom, and to disturb or elude your legal successors."  This address was signed by the high-sheriff (Richard Cox, Esq., Dunmanway), many justices of the peace, clergymen, grand jurors, &c.

    1714-    A deaf mute, named Robert Long, was born here this year.  By dint of industry, and a little assistance, he became acquainted with some branches of mathematics.  He understood astronomy; he could calculate eclipses, manufacture globes, maps, &c.  A wheel barometer of his make was shown, and some table made by him for computing the motions of the planets.

    1715-  Upon the death of Queen Anne a new Parlliament was summoned to Dublin.  The members for Bandon were:-Francis Bernard, Castle-Mahon, solicitor general, and Martin Bladen,* Albany-Hatch, Essex (Mr. Secretary Bladen). 
    Immediately upon the sitting of the House a complaint was made that Richard Croker, high-sheriff of the county, did not make a return in due time of the members elected to serve for the borough of Bandon-Bridge.
    Mr. Croker replied that he was unable to attend in Bandon owing to illness; but that he sent his sub-sheriff in due time to Mr. James Jackson, the provost of the said town, for the indenture and return; and that the said provost neglected in not returning same. 
    Upon this Mr. Jackson was immediately ordered to attend at the bar of the House on a certain day, "touching the complaint of the high-sheriff," and being duly sworn, made a defence which was considered so unsatisfactory, that it was proposed "that James Jackson be taken into the custody of the sergeant-at-arms." this, however, was negatived on a division.

                *  Arthur Bernard, of Palace Anne, brother of Francis the senior member, was elected as his brother's co-representative, but refused to serve.

    1723-  The original market-house on the southern side was taken down, and a new one built on the same site; towards the erection of which Lord Burlington gave the sum of twenty-two pounds per-annum for five years-being his portion of the tolls of the town.
    The new building was fifty feet in length (clear of the walls), and twenty in width.  The main entrance consisted of five archways, each of which was six feet in height, and whose sides were formed by the six pillars upon which the ornamental portions of the front rested.  The yard to the rear was enclosed by a wall, that on the southern side being twenty-five feet high.  The entire was completed by Marmaduke Young, junior, for one hundred and twenty pounds  and the material's of the old building.

    1724-  Thomas Wight (author of the first History of the Quakers in Ireland) died this year, at the advanced age of eighty-four.  He was born in Bandon in 1640.  His biographer tells us that he was the son of Rice Wight, minister of the town of Bandon; who was the son of Thomas Wight,*  also minister of the same town, and who came here from Guildford, in Surrey.
    It appears that young Wight's father, Rice Wight, was a very zealous clergyman of the Church of England, in the principles of which he brought up his children with great care; but his son Thomas, "who served a hard apprenticeship to a clothier in Bandon," hearing of a Quaker's meeting which was to be held in the neighbourhood of the town, attended it out of pure curiosity; but finding that the people sat silent a long time, he got uneasy, and began to think that he might be bewitched if he staid any longer, for he had often heard that the Quakers were witches/
    At length Francis Howgill stood up and uttered these significant words:-"Before the eye can see, it must be opened; before the ear can hear, it must unstopped; and before the heart can understand, it must be illuminated."
    Upon these truisms Howgill delivered an excellent discourse, which made such a deep impression on young Tom's mind, that he became deeply convinced of the truth of what he had heard.  But the prejudices of education and the reproaches of his relatives very nearly effaced those good impressions; and in all probability young Tom would have relapsed into Church of Englandism, had not Edward Burrough stretched forth his hand in the work of the gospel.  And by his powerful preaching Wight's convictions were reinvigorated-his dread of his friends and his fear of the bewitching Quakers vanished-and henceforth he was resolved to become a Quaker himself.
    In the year 1670 he married, and in the process of time had an immense family.  His increased responsibilities induced him to attend very closely to his business-which was not confined to the clothing trade alone, he being also engaged as a commission agent-and in all likelihood Wight would have been in a short time a wealthy man, had he not been providentially stopped in his sinful career by an illumination direct from heaven, which threw a great deal of light into his dark mind, causing him to reflect much, and satisfying him "that he could not be heir to two kingdoms at once."  He saw his great danger, and, like a thorough Christian he flung all his worldly gains to the winds, and devoted himself entirely to the truth.
    Being an able scribe, he was appointed clerk to the meeting in Cork, and for the province of Munster.  He was also the compiler of an historical account of The first rise and progress of the truth in this nation, which he perfected in the form of annuls, up to the year 1700.
    He was seized with an indisposition, which proved mortal on the ninth month of 1724, under which he showed great composure of mind and resignation to the Lord's will.

                *  Thomas Wight, A.M., was ordained deacon and priest by John, Bishop of Oxford, October 23rd, 1619.  In 1620 he became prebendary of Kilmacdonogh, Cloyne; and in 1628 vicar of Ballymodan, Bandon.  In 1634 he was appointed prebendary of Kilnaglory.  From 1628 to 1649m rector of Aghlishdrinagh.  In 1628 he was elected dean of Cork by the chapter, but the crown declined to ratify the appointment.  Dr. Brady, from whose valuable records we have derived the above information, thinks Wight was induced to settle in this country by the Boyle family.

    1727-  A new Parliament assembled in Dublin.  The members for Bandon were:-Brigadier the Hon. George Freke, and Stephen Bernard, Castle Bernard.  Brigadier Freke died in 1731, and was succeeded by Bellingham Boyle, of Glenfield, Rathfarnham, Dublin.  The return of both of these representatives was indentured by William Lapp, the provost, and several of the burgesses.  Thomas Evans and Edward Hoare, Esqs., were also returned for the town, their return being duly authenticated by John Bourne, provost elect, and many of the freemen.
    Upon these returns being sent up, the House ordered that the clerk of the crown do attend immediately and take off the file the indenture by which the said Mr. Evans and Mr. Hoare were returned.  It was further ordered that the said Mr. Evans and Mr. Hoare have liberty to petition the House within fourteen days, if they think fit, in relation to the election of the said borough.

    1728-  The Quaker's meeting house in Bandon was built.  It is still in existence, having long survived the last of the Quakers.  Previous to its erection the first meetings were held at the house of Mr. Edward Cook, cornet of Oliver Cromwell's own troop of horse, which lay in Bandon when Howgill and his friends arrived.  After that they were held at the residence of Mr. Daniel Massey; and after his time, the then Earl of Cork allowed them to meet in one of the three castles erected by the great earl, which occupied the piece of ground now partially covered by a green-house attached to the residence of the late Mr. T. Bennett.  After the castle was taken down the meeting house was erected on a portion of its site.

    1729-  Dean Swift spent some time in Bandon.  Whilst here, he had ample opportunities of learning many of the characteristics of those amongst whom he lived; and it is to the information thus acquired we are indebted to the motto so devoutly believed to be even still in existence on the walls of Bandon, and which a celebrated political orator stated in the British House of Commons, not many years ago, "that he had read it there with his own eyes."  Even yet, it is no unusual thing to see a travelling-capped tourist pull up at the "Tadem Emergo" of the big bridge, and in the "sub auspiciis Johannis Travers," insist on recognizing,

                                                "A Turk, a Jew, or an Atheist,
                                                 May live in this town, but no Papist."

    There is scarcely a corner of the earth that these lines have not reached, and been quoted as a specimen of the rank bigotry and intolerance supposed to prevail here in former days.  Nay, we should not be surprised if some future tenant-right orator of Tongataboo were to conclude a forcible speech in favour of the Tongataboo compulsory valuation clause, by, in some way or another, lugging in this famous couplet.  It is not generally know that the original stanza contained fourteen lines; and as this is very rare-we believe we are favoured with only one copy extant-we place it before our readers:-

  "A Turk, a Jew, or an Atheist,
May live in this town, but no Papist. 
He that wrote these lines did write them will, 
As the same is written on the gates of hell.
For Friar Hayes, who made his exit of late,
Of * * * some say.  But no matter for that-
He died; and, if what we've heard is aright, 
He came to hell's gates in a mournful plight. 
'Who's there? says the sentry on guard.  Quoth the other,
'A wretched poor priest sir! a Catholic brother!'
'Halt! instantly halt!  Avaunt! and stand clear. 
Go, be damned somewhere else; you shan't be damned here! 
We admit no such fellow, for a wretch so uncivil. 
Who on earth would eat God, would in hell eat the Devil."

    Although these line are now believed to have been written by the witty Dean, local tradition says otherwise. It asserts that the first two lines were in realty written on one of the gates of the town, and that some Jacobite wag wrote underneath them,

                                            "He that wrote these lines did write them well,
                                             As the same is written on the gates of hell."

    And that it was to turn aside the point of the Jacobite's lines the rest were added-either by the writer of the two first, or by some one of the same way of thinking.   It may be observed that the lines beginning with "For Friar Hayes" are not the same meter as the four preceding, and this, to some extent, supports the traditional account.         

    1734-  James Martin succeeded the Hon. Henry Boyle as provost.  Wine and turf were cheap in these days, as appears by the following extracts from the accounts, under head of disbursements, furnished by him to the corporation.

    s. d.
  For a bottle of wind,.................................. 1 2
  Ten loads of turf,....................................... 1 2
  Six loads ditto, at 1½d.,............................   9
  To Mr. Sealy, for four bottles of wine,...... 4 8


 [Preface]    [Contents]    [Bernards]   [Index]    [Depositions]    [Maps]   [Definitions]    [Town/Parish Descriptions, 1835]    [Resv'd]


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